Bad luck and negative energy in the home


Our home has transformed since you performed your magic on it, our space has a sense of comfort that was never there before, it’s just so much more relaxing and as a result myself and daughter spend a lot more time in each others company. The atmosphere in general is so improved, we even had a bit of a makeover and for the first time that I remember we are both proud of our space, share it more and spend a lot of really great quality time together. 

On a personal level we have both obtained work and we’re getting some great experience in our respective fields of interest. It’s just amazing to have these opportunities and with that a sense of optimism and hope for the future. 

I do my EFT daily and it has practically changed my life and outlook for the better. You are a legend Shane and I am so really really grateful for all your help.

Aisling Hayes

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