Episode 41. Releasing the illusion of responsibility

Apart from your children, you are not responsible for other people in your life. You are not responsible for other people's happiness. You may have loved ones that you need to care for because it feels right, but we sometimes think we have a responsibility for much more than we actually do.

This can be as a result of a dysfunctional inner nurturer who feels the need to fix and save everyone because of a need to be seen or feel needed. Checking in on our alignment with source and our inner family can guide us to feel what is ours to do and engage with and what is not.

There are many programs that can lead us to thinking the world will fall apart without us and somehow we are required to maintain the equilibrium of the cosmos. This is an affliction of light workers in particular, some of whom gain their sense of self and life's purpose from feeling they are needed to fix and save the world. There are certain functions that you may be here to fulfill by allowing life to pour through you, but be mindful that your small self, through a programmed mind/heart, is not taking them on as burdens of responsibility.

Alignment with Infinite intent and your inner family will give you a clearer picture of what is yours to engage with.