Episode 56. 13 signs of spiritual maturity Part 8.
The battle for self-knowledge. Who am I? Who am I not? What am I? What am I not?
In a mirrored reality it is very challenging to understand who you truly are when almost everything you think you know about yourself has come from the mirrored world around you, i.e. backwards/inverted reality.
Most of the time we have been observing what we're not rather than what we are. By observing and experiencing what we're not we have developed certain coping mechanisms in the form of personality to navigate and blend into this artificial dream of separation we find ourselves in.
However, seeing what we are not has served the purpose of bringing us closer to what and who we are. It narrows the focus to seeing the real and is amplified by the process of going deeper within the self to establish a relationship with the Infinite. Feeling into the real in life and having the poetic perspective to see behind appearances, including the masks that people wear, can help to draw in more of what we are in resonance with. More of the real that becomes our expression rather our reflection.
In this real dream of the Infinite we get to experience life as what we are rather than what we are not. Life becomes more wholesome and joyful with less and less distortions of mirrors and opposites. What you are not is more discernable and life becomes easier to navigate with grace and poise.