Episode 60. 13 signs of spiritual maturity Part 12.

Freedom from the shackles of the past.

Releasing the stories of the past, and any notions we have had as to who and what we are, are prerequisites for us to be able to be full present to the magic of the moment.

We have to be able to completely self-annihilate and allow the road behind us to be dissolved so there is no turning back and only the unknowable road forward exists, which only appears as we begin to walk on it through full self-presencing in the moment in surrendered trust.

To be fully present in the moment free of all external programming and imprints we have to be able to stand alone in full devotion to the Infinite and our relationship with it.

We are the only ones that know what's best for us in our unique reality, so we have to drown out the noise to hear what that is.