Episode 62. Tough Love
Tough love firstly requires that we are tough and ruthlessly honest with ourselves. We have to eradicate all of our triggers, traumas, belief systems, and programs before we can be in the position to be tough on others, if that is what the moment requires.
When we live our highest truth as clear vessels of Infinite intent we can take action through effortless knowing of what the moment requires. Life will be supportive of that.
As a man, I have for years held back on tough love because I felt it may be perceived as hostile and aggressive, when I know it was coming from a place of love and the best thing for the other person in the moment, even if they didn't see it that way initially. When I did show tough love I saw their projections onto me as me being in the wrong and so I went on a wild goose chase to find the a flaw in me that wasn't there.
With greater self-knowledge and self-love I have become more assured and trusting of my actions as a benefit to all no matter what others may think. I trust in my ability to read the room and know what type of action is required, tough love or gentle compassion.
If you have a balanced inner masculine and inner feminine you will know which is approach is required in the moment for the benefit of all. A strong divine inner masculine is assured of his own being and stands behind his actions with conviction. He will teach, mentor, empower, strengthen, build character, know when to say no, hold strong boundaries, be righteous in his actions with all of life, and will not pander or tell people what they want to hear just avoid confrontation or awkwardness.