Episode 63. Resisting the temptation to judge others

A spiritual awakening can bring unprecedented levels of clarity that can trick on into believing they have just discovered fire before anyone else!

Don't be fooled into thinking you know it all just because you suddenly find yourself surrounded with people who can't see what you can see and appear to be completely asleep and unaware.

As you leave your old life and the most of the people in it, you will start to encounter other souls you have a resonance with and can see what you can see. However, you may also encounter those who see much more than you can, and who would consider you to be the one that is completely asleep and unaware or maybe childlike in a cute and innocent way because you've just realised certain truths that have been apparent to others for decades.

This is why it is important to resist the temptation to judge those who are behind you on the journey of higher consciousness and be humble around those who have laid the groundwork ahead of you. Allow both to inspire you to be better and more compassionate. Maybe those around who are asleep are serving a higher purpose you aren't aware of.

We live in an unknowable universe, so be mindful not to fall for the trick of thinking you can really know anything.