Soul Family Podcast

Soul Family Podcast

Hosted by: Shane Donohoe

Weekly podcasts of spiritual guidance focusing on topics like metaphysics, mysticism, shamanism, energy healing, and how to apply these principles to the daily living of your spiritual journey.

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Episode 18. The Spirit of Adventure

The energising effects of breaking habits and going on adventures, big and small. The gifts of abundance of moving just beyond your comfort zone. How living a high vibe changes your reality. Nature's gifts of...
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Episode 17. Challenges of a Highly Conscious Being

Some of the challenges one may encounter as a highly conscious being. How to avoid losing consciousness to lower conscious beings and energy vampires. Everyone has a unique note to play in the symphony of life. How...
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Episode 16. Geopathic Stress Part 3 - Ghosts & Demons

What are ghosts and demons and what is the difference between them? Client examples of their first hand experiences with ghosts, demons, and poltergeists. How ghosts and demons can affect our well-being when they get...
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Episode 15. Physical Well-Being on your Spiritual Journey with guest, Aisling Fitzgibbon

In this extended podcast I have a chat with Aisling Fitzgibbon from Aisling Health School - In this episode we talk about .... The importance of a regulated nervous system for...
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Ep. 14 Geopathic Stress Part 2

What are curses and how do they affect us. How curses can be placed on objects and be transferred to those who are in contact with them. Some anecdotes on clients who have been affected by curses
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Episode 13. Geopathic Stress Part 1

What is geopathic stress and how can it impact our health. Different forms of geopathic stress. Earth energies and how they impact our wellbeing. How the ancient Romans took geopathic stress into consideration when...
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Episode 12. My Journey with Shamanism Part 4

Helping souls cross over to the soul world after death. My experiences with my parent's death and their transition to the soul world. The mechanics of death and where we go after. What is karma and how to make your...
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Episode 11. My Journey with Shamanism Part 3

Soul force = life force. Common causes of soul loss A fully present soul in the body paves the way for a love affair with life. Integration of soul parts is crucial for those parts to stay in the body. Consider the...
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Episode 10. My Journey With Shamanism Part 2

Breaking the shackles of what you think you know and exploring the magical world of non-ordinary reality. Feeling the interconnectedness of all life through nature. The wisdom of nature spirits and how to connect to...
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Episode 9. My Journey with Shamanism Part 1

How a shamanic journey to connect with my wife 2 weeks after she passed away completely changed my life. The freedom and power that comes with directly connecting to source without the need for an external middle...
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Episode 8. Expressing Your Authentic Self

Feeling you're here for a reason but don't know what? Feeling full of potential but nowhere for it to go. Creating containers for your expression. Allowing life to be messy. Not holding back to suit your perceived...
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Episode 7. Seeing the perfection in all of life

Using labels of identity without attachment. The core ethos of my work. Helping to dissolve belief systems and programs through recognising the divinity in everyone. Self-refinement as your gift to life.
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