Soul Family Podcast

Soul Family Podcast

Hosted by: Shane Donohoe

Weekly podcasts of spiritual guidance focusing on topics like metaphysics, mysticism, shamanism, energy healing, and how to apply these principles to the daily living of your spiritual journey.

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Episode 6. My Journey with Almine

Some insights into my journey with my spiritual teacher Almine. What she has taught me, the gifts she has given me, what she has brought online in me, and how I wish to pay that forward to all of you in service to the...
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Episode 5. Trusting Inner Guidance

Taking time to learn how to develop self-trust in your intuition and inner guidance. Using your discernment to read the signs in your environment. Being mindful not to allow teachers, partners, friends, etc., to...
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Episode 4: Releasing outer reference points

Releasing outer reference points as a way of trying to control life. Establishing inner reference points, i.e., the inner family. Embracing the unknowable through surrendered trust.
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Episode 3: Becoming the leading character in your life

Taking up the leading role in your life through carrying out divine inspiration vs trying to control outcome. Aligning with source within to feel the flow of where life wants you to go.
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Episode 2: Competition vs Collaboration

How collaboration and interdependence is the way forward for community living. Finding your song of self and your gifts, and expressing them to ignite inspiration in those around you. Recognising and appreciating the...
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Episode 1: Perception vs lived experience

What is perception, and what is the difference between knowing something conceptually and knowing it in an embodied way, that can be applied to your life through experience?
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